Whether you’re an author looking to build your platform, a blogger hoping to expand your viral reach, a speaker, entrepreneur…or heck, a birthday party clown in search of your next big gig…you just can’t get away from the big M. By which I mean marketing. Not Melissa. Because I prefer not to be called “big.”
We’ve been talking about marketing each Wednesday this month, and I’ve been excited to ask Writing Career Coach Tiffany Colter for her input. Several years ago, she took a risk, started her own business and has seen great results! So I knew she had good insight to offer.
Tiffany’s post focuses on marketing through blogging…rather perfect for this aspiring author! Whatever your own dream, I know you’ll glean great stuff from Tiffany’s post.
Three things I learned that made marketing less scary
I was so honored when Melissa invited me to post on her blog about a topic I love. It made realize how far I’d come in the last 5 years. Back then I had to write lengthy emails telling people who I was and then facing lots of rejection when people didn’t want to be on my blog.
You likely have a similar story. You maybe are emailing lots of people, doing lots of book signings or any number of other things trying to let people know who you are and why they should care.It can be scary.
We all want people to like us, even just a little bit.
If you’re kind of a “homebody” like me then marketing can be simply terrifying. You are the reason I’m writing this post. I want to share three things that, for me, have made marketing less scary.
1. Despise not the day of small beginnings.
We often think that we will only get a benefit from going to a really high profile blog with really famous people and lots of traffic. That is great, but some of the smaller blogs have a much more loyal following and will give you valuable exposure. Also, people with smaller blogs may be more willing to offer you a spot if you are starting out. The larger blogs are inundated with requests, believe me. And as you have postings and visibility, you are more attractive to those larger blogs because you can bring with you a different audience.
2. Back scratching is still effective.
Don’t downplay the idea of doing a blog swap with someone. I love to do this with people because it helps me spread my message to a new group of people and it offers valuable content to my blog readers as well. So, consider emailing the owner of a blog you’d like to be on with the whole, “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” offer. [Only be a little more tactful. Laugh.]
3. Go big or go home.
Now that I’ve said all of this, don’t be afraid to contact the larger blogs. Blogs are run by people. People who need content. Even with all of the requests I get, I’m still excited by someone who comes with a new and unique idea. Look for ways to cater your message a bit to each blog you approach. Don’t blast it out to lots of people, show that you’ve done your homework and that you’re willing to write a message that is needed by that blog’s followers.
Those may not be the most profound teachings, but I hope they’ve helped you a bit. Really, marketing is only about letting people know that you’re out there to help. If you focus on that (and NOT on what you’re getting from the exposure) then the “Nos” you receive aren’t as painful personally. You just feel bad for the person who is missing out on your expertise.
Finally, if you ARE focused on others in your marketing and you truly want to help others, you may find yourself sitting at your laptop 5 years from now when an email from someone pops in asking you to share what you’ve learned. And then you can tell them what I just told you.
Tiffany Colter is a writer, speaker, business developer and teacher. She owns Writing Career Coach and Writing Career Coach Press where she teaches individuals, authors, speakers and businesses how to use words and what they know to promote and build their business. She has a blog at WritingCareerCoach.com and will soon launch her content site for businesses at www.ServeBeforeYouSell.com. She can also be reached at her office at 517.936.5896.
Readers, if you’re an author, speaker, business owner, is marketing through blogging on your radar? Have you guest posted on other blogs? Others, do blogs impact the books you buy or services or products you purchase?
Comments 23
I’m a believer now in the importance of blogging and love how you’ve organized and conduct yours, MTagg. Keep it up; I know you’ll go far (because He is the wind behind your back).
Thanks so much, Dee. You’re always so incredibly encouraging! Any plans to start a blog of your own?? 🙂
I started blogging because my friend nagged the mess out of me. Turns out, I love doing it! Great tips!
Tagg, great vlog, as always!
Yay for nagging friends. 🙂
Finally I can leave a comment! It wouldn’t let me earlier. 🙂
I want to come where you live and would totally dance with you since…I woke up to several inches of snow.
Great tips Tiffany! I’ve seen how my following as grown over the years and been excited to figure out my content that my readers like to read. It’s a fun…but challenging journey!
Sorry about the commenting issues, Casey. I know Lindsay had trouble with it, too. Mean Blogger!!
Ooh, snow in March. It’s not a foreign concept here in Iowa…in fact, with as little snow as we had this winter, we probably deserve a spring snowstorm! You should totally hop and plane and come on over!
Yay, I can leave a comment! Woo hoo!
Great tips here. I haven’t yet explored the world of guest posting. I plan to do interviews on my blog for some debut authors, but I’m not sure how to go about asking people do guest posts for me. I don’t want to be presumptuous, since they might not want to post on my blog. Also, I feel the same about asking to guest post on someone else’s blog. I guess, like you said, Tiffany, we should just do it. The worst someone could say is no…
Lindsay, I’d love to have you as a guest here! April is filled up…but after… hint hint… 🙂
OK, slot me in and let me know. 😀 I like it when friends push me in the “write” direction. (lol. I’m hilarious.)
Yay! You’re in. Don’t know what May’s theme is yet, but either way, you’re slotted in! I’ll send you an email, too…and yes, you are hilarious. 🙂
Sweet! Sounds great. (And you just became my favorite person for thinking I’m hilarious. We’re gonna have good times in ACFW. Good. Times.)
This is great advice! I hadn’t even thought of contacting bigger blogs…but maybe I should? Hmmm.
Thanks ladies!
My dream is to someday do a guest post on Stuff Christians Like. Favorite blog ever. But so big!! Scary!!
Outstanding tips, Tiffany! Great post.
It’s so beautiful here today too, Melissa. The window is open and a gentle spring breeze is blowing…calling my name. I need to get outside!
Oh, that sounds wonderful. Too bad I already missed a day of work this week…otherwise, I’m pretty sure I’d start to feel a fever coming on and would need to leave…(spring fever, that is!)
I started blogging before I started really taking my writing seriously. The blog was God’s first big push on me, then He amped up my writing and now I’m starting to mingle the two together.
I love love love these marketing posts b/c they’re challenging me to grow in all those uncomfortable areas I try to avoid–guess that’s why they’re called growing pains:)Hope you’re getting some of this gorgeous weather today too!
Yay, Susan, I’m glad you’re liking the marketing posts! I’m excited that we’ve got debut author Katie Ganshert coming up next week to talk about marketing even before her book is published. I think it will give all us pre-pubbed writers lots of ideas!
Another great post – thanks, Melissa and Tiffany! These always seem to be so timely to what I’m thinking about that week. How do you do that, Melissa? 🙂
Special mind powers. 🙂 Hehehe…but seriously, I’m so glad they’re helpful!!
I have the honor of working with Tiffany. She is the real deal and is pouring so much good stuff into my life. Thanks Tiff!
Cool, Melissa! I bet it’s fun working with her!
Great tips! Tiffany is a bundle of energy who knows what she’s talking about. 🙂
Thanks for hosting, Melissa!
Thanks for stopping by, Sarah!