Welcome Mat Wednesday: Tyler Parson

First things first: I made a mistake in my intro video for today’s guest. Tyler Parson is the pastor of CrossRidge Church, not CrossPoint. I would totally retape the intro … except  I’m in my pajamas … no makeup … and I truly want to spare you all. But Tyler, I’m sorry for the verbal typo. 🙂

Sooo…today’s guest poster is Pastor Tyler Parson! I’ve been looking forward to Tyler’s post all month. We’ve been talking about marketing each Wednesday, and this whole idea of “marketing faith” has been poking at me. I really, really appreciated the direction Tyler took this. So, check out my slightly erroneous but well-intentioned video intro and enjoy Tyler’s post!

Eloquent Evangelism 

Three words change nearly every social encounter of mine:

I’m a pastor.

As soon as my vocational identity is disclosed (regardless of who is involved in the conversation) a marked shift in their demeanor may be observed. These changes are often subtle (minor twists in the grins of unsuspecting individuals) and occasionally remarkable (adjusting their posture to hide a beer, covering a little devil tattoo, and veiling the amphibious Darwin ichthus parody on the back of their Honda Element).

As entertaining and alarming as these reactions may be they demonstrate the reservations people have with words about Jesus, church, and Christianity.

Jesus has commissioned his followers to (among other things) make disciples. So—in one sense—it is the task of every follower of Christ to market Jesus. While much can be said on this topic, as a pastor writing to writers I am particularly interested in the words we use to in proclaiming the gospel.

The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth that Christ sent him to preach the gospel, and “not with words of eloquent wisdom lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power” (1 Cor. 1:17).

What does this mean for writers and preachers who rely on carefully selecting and arranging words to convey story, meaning, and truth? What is the difference between employing empty eloquence (yes, that alliteration is a form of eloquence) and demonstrating the Spirit and power of God on which saving faith rests (1 Cor. 2:4-5)? 

When is our eloquent use of words a demonstration of God’s Spirit and power and when is it weak, foolish, and merely human?

The Corinthian Christians were apparently dividing into teams and arguing. Among these teams was a man by the name of Apollos (1 Cor. 1:12). Apollos is first introduced in scripture as an eloquent man (Acts 18:24). He was a native of Alexandria, competent in the Scriptures; he’d been instructed in the way of the Lord. He spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus but knew only John’s baptism. He spoke boldly but apparently had some shoddy theology because he had to be corrected by Priscilla and Aquila (Acts 18:25-26).

It is also widely reported that a group of public orators and philosophers known as the Sophists (from the Greek word for wisdom: sophia) were present in Corinth. The Sophists emphasized rhetoric, argued any side of an issue to prove their expertise in debate rather than their concern for truth, and were known for style over substance.

Writers and preachers alike know the importance of grabbing and holding the attention of our audience. We understand the value of appropriate self-disclosure in expressing an important truth. 

The right words can shock, sting, or stir a desired response or elicit new understanding in our audience. Devices such as meter, rhyme, parallelism, alliteration, juxtaposition, simile, and provocation can imprint words upon the hearts and minds of the people we serve. Eloquence can thus highlight the message we wish to convey and assist in remembering this message.

The Bible itself is a work of literary eloquence. Even in the immediate context of 1 Corinthians 1-2, Paul states (shockingly, yet with eloquence), “For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men,” (1 Cor. 1:25).

Pastor John Piper has pointed out in his message Is There Christian Eloquence? that Paul offers two important principles for eloquent evangelism in 1 Corinthians 1:26-31. When we market Jesus our words should always result in:

1. Human humility (1 Cor. 1:29)

2. Exaltation of Jesus Christ ( 1 Cor. 1:30-31)

In chapter 9 Paul will write, “I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.” (1 Cor. 9:22) So it is good for Christians to consider our words and methods in marketing Jesus. While it may at times be perceived as gimmicky it is in fact biblical for Christians to market Christ by carefully studying and interacting with both the Bible and our culture (this is called contextualization).

However, in our eloquent evangelism we must remember that we are not seeking to market a product or service but to faithfully make disciples of Jesus Christ through both our actions and words.

We are Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us (2 Corinthians 5:20). Christians are not simply marketing a product but relying on the Third Person of Trinity (God the Holy Spirit) to call dead sinners to life in the name of the person of Jesus Christ!

While writers and pastors (and every Christian) should be concerned about how eloquently we present the gospel and how effectively we market Jesus, we should not be consumed with these things. We should be consumed with God through faith in Jesus Christ.

As Christians we offer more than another product that promises to change your life. We offer Jesus: he changes your destiny.

He changes your yesterday, your today, and your tomorrow.

He changes your identity, your vision, and your forever.

More important than eloquence evangelism is a genuine and personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

The best way for you and I to market Christ—or, more biblically-stated, to make disciples—is to simply be Christians. To love Jesus. To talk about Jesus. To love people. To talk to people about Jesus.

Eloquent or not we are called to know him and make him known and the good news is that in Jesus’ perfect life, substitutionary death, and resurrection we can be saved.

“Do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”- Jesus in Matthew 10:19-20 

Tyler Parson is a follower of Jesus. He is in love with and married to his best friend, Mel, and has the joy of raising their two sons, Silas (3 years), and Deacon (6 months), together. He enjoys reading, laughing, music, Skippy reduced-fat creamy peanut butter, tacos al pastor, and being outside. He is pastor of CrossRidge Church in Holstein, IA and the son of a sales representative. 

Thanks so much, Tyler! I really loved the depth of this post. Readers, have you ever thought about “marketing” your faith? We have the greatest hope, the best news ever to share…what does it mean to you offer Jesus to the world?

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    Comments 22

    1. Love, love, love! Tyler, I think you did a great job of capturing how we are to live and proclaim Jesus–by just being who he made us to be and loving others. We have a friend who was of another faith, and thought she’d never come to know Christ. But being around a big group of us for two years, she said later she just felt loved by us, and wondered why we accepted and loved her like that even though she believed differently. She’s now one of the strongest Christians I know, and I just love how we didn’t really have to “do” anything except love her and tell her about Jesus.

      “Marketing Jesus” is not about being the pushy salesperson determined to make someone buy what you’re selling, that’s for sure. I’m pretty sure that rarely works. Love is what attracts people, and love will win them to Jesus in the end.

      Thanks for making me think! And Mel, your video blogs are always so cute. You are beautiful, friend. 🙂

      1. Thanks, Lindsay!

        Glad you loved this post. I did too. It really made stop and think…you’re right, people are attracted by love in action. As writers, sometimes it’s easy to stop at words…but we need the actions to back us up.

    2. That’s why I write. To offer Jesus to the world. It’s why I chose Experience Hope as my tag. Offering Jesus is synonymous with offering Hope.

      A wonderful post.

      Tagg, you crack me up. “I like a lot of men.” LOL

    3. Hi Melissa! Hi Tyler!

      Outstanding post.

      I knew I wanted to write. God put that on my heart. But when I started writing, I was writing what I wanted – and my way. Then God stepped in. He put me in a place where I couldn’t get to on my own. It was no accident that I found myself on a plane. After some alone time with God in the Colorado mountains, He showed me what he wanted me to write, and how to write it – for His glory, not mine.

      Trusting and doing it His way, has changed my life…and I hope my writing will touch the hardened, broken hearts of others.

    4. Loved this post. My husband is actively involved in a new church outreach project in the Houston Heights. The Pastor is very involved in evangelizing. He told about how he went to a coffee shop and God really put it on him to minister to an individual. I won’t go into to much detail except he told how he didn’t want to answer when asked what he did for a living. For the very same reason Tyler spoke of in the beginning of this blog. The change it causes people to have! He did witness to this young man who hadn’t really heard about true Christianity. He did ultimately, confess he was a pastor though 🙂

      Alena T.

      1. Haha, funny. Pastors should come up with some kind of truthful-yet-elusive answer to that question.

        “What do you do for a living?”
        “Oh, I study historical text and expound about it in public settings.”


    5. Great stuff here. Melissa, thanks for introducing me to Tyler. I’ve noticed the same thing when I’m in a group and someone introduces themselves as a “Christian Writer”. I love the way Tyler pulls it all together and gives us some thinking points.
      Blessings, E

      1. I hear ya, Edie, on what it’s like when you say you’re a Christian writer. Just because I write inspirational fiction does not mean my characters give sermons. In fact, I think we can “evangelize” through our fiction the same way Tyler talks about evangelizing in real life – through loving Jesus, loving people…

    6. Taylor, this is a fantastic post! As a PK growing up in the church I often saw people expect the Pastor or those in leadership to reach everyone, but really they are the gate keepers of discipleship. We reach our world for Christ as you said, just by being Christians. Let his light shine through our lives. Thank you so much for these thoughts.

      1. Hey Michelle, I didn’t realize you were a PK. Or maybe I did. I’m confused. Either way, I like what you said about the leadership being the gate keepers of discipleship…

    7. I think I need to read this post again.
      And maybe a third and fourth time.
      Lots of truth to dig out and ponder. (Yes, I used the “ponder” word, Melissa. Please explain the significance of that to Tyler.)
      I love the truth of this post.
      I love the twist of the phrase “marketing Jesus” — say what now?
      And I love the simplicity of the phrase: The best way for you and I to market Christ—or, more biblically-stated, to make disciples—is to simply be Christians. (And how that involves both love and words.

      1. Hehe, okay, I’ll explain the significance of “ponder” to Tyler…

        On the “Marketing Jesus” bit…I’m actually part of a development team where it’s my job to “market” our ministry. And we say all the time that our role as the development team is about building relationships. And I think when we “ponder” (hehe) how we “market faith,” that’s what it comes down to, as well – building relationships. Nope, it’s not about a product, but a Person.

    8. Welcome Mat Thursday for me here:) This was an awesome post and it speaks to the heart of why I write. Of course I’d love to be published, but even more than that, I write to “market Jesus”. And I pray that in my books people don’t simply catch a glimpse of Jesus–they catch HIM! Amen!

      1. We like to be welcoming around here on Thursdays, too, Susan. 🙂 I love what you said about not only catching a glimpse of Jesus but catching HIM. That’s the best-ever reason to write!

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