Humor humors me.

I honestly didn’t think it could get better than this:

And then I saw this:

And now I’m filled with an overwhelming sense that the world is, indeed, a good place. Too funny!
Also, in case my future husband is reading this (whoever you are), please know that I’d really appreciate it if you’d use Old Spice. Yeah, advertising works. But hey, someone paid for those hi-larious commercials and contributed to my abundant happiness. I owe it to them to make it worth their while. 
In other news, I wrote about 5,000 words this weekend. No, it won’t set any records, but I’m happy.
Oh, and I get to see Ollie this week. Yippee!
p.s. I’d like to acknowledge that there is no real point to this post. But I’d also like to point out that technically, I’ve posted twice in one week in addition to contributing to the MBT Ponderers blog. Boo-yah!
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    Comments 4

    1. Awesome, Ash! I knew we were friends for a reason…:)

      p.s. Of the 4 million-plus views the second video has had on YouTube, I think I’ve contributed around 30. I just can’t help it…every time he says, “swan dive,” it cracks me up!

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