First, storytime: So I am the oldest of four kids. And as such, at times I am used to be a little bossy and know-it-all-ish. One such time occurred when my parents were gone and us kids were home and charged with loading the dishwasher.* On this day we couldn’t find the actual dishwasher soap. I told my siblings it didn’t matter. We’d just use the Dawn dish soap we found under the sink.
They questioned me. I waved them off. Because I was the oldest. And obviously dishwasher soap and regular old dish soap couldn’t be that different.
About half an hour later we heard this sound coming from the kitchen. We got to the kitchen in time to see our dog sliding across the completely bubble covered floor. It was awesome. It was bad.
I only tell this story because there’s a scene in this week’s Classic Cinephiles movie pick where a character goes sliding across a hotel lobby floor in high heels. And every time I see someone slide across a floor in a movie, I think of our little dog skating across the kitchen floor.**
Anyhow, sorry for the long-winded intro, but hey, it’s time for some old movie fun! Author friend Clay Morgan and I are back, this time chatting it up about Billy Wilder’s Some Like it Hot. The American Film Institute ranks it the top comedy ever. Clay disagrees (but amicably so). I’m noncommittal.
I do think it’s hilarious. Jack Lemmon as a girl is priceless. Tony Curtis as a man dressed up as a woman dressed up as a man and attempting a Cary Grant impression is great. And Marilyn Monroe does some of her best and her worst acting, all in the same movie.
But more than anything, I love this movie for all its inside jokes, smart writing and just the fun slew of trivia around it, much of which we discuss in the video. So check it out…
OH, the sound could use a little help, just FYI. This is most likely Melissa’s fault for not wearing earbuds. Melissa will rectify this next time around. Also, Melissa doesn’t know why she’s slipping into third-person.
Have you seen Some Like it Hot? What did you think? What would you rank as the funniest movie ever?
*It’s possible I had a little inner angst toward said dishwasher since for years my sister and I had to wash dishes by hand. By the the time my brother and youngest sister were old enough to help, well, in comes Mr. Kenmore to do the work for them.
**This is the same dog whose eye fell out. Twice. But I’ll save that little anecdote for another day.
***Did you miss the first Classic Cinephiles in which we discuss possibly the best rom-com ever? Wondering what the heck Classic Cinephiles even is? Just go here to catch up. Oh, and I may have broken some footnote rule ’cause, yeah, there’s no spot above with three asterisks.
Comments 28
Haha this was awesome! While I don’t think this is the greatest comedy ever I do really like this movie! I only discovered this one earlier this year but I’ve already seen it twice. I think my favorite scenes are the ones you mentioned, on the way to the train, and the maracas. We actually have a pair of maracas from the Dominican Republic and the morning after we watched it my sister woke some of us up using them and “singing” the tango. I also love the part after Joe uses his funny accent and Jerry says “nobody talks like that!” It makes me laugh every time!
I am loving these Classic Cinephiles and they keep making me want to rewatch the movies! Can’t wait for next week’s!
Fun fact about the train scene: When Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis first see Marilyn Monroe’s character walking to the train, she walks past a bunch of blowing steam. That shot is a nod to Billy Wilder’s earlier film, Seven Year Itch, which has Marilyn’s famous scene where she’s standing over a subway grate and her white skirt flies up. 🙂
Funny about your maracas from the Dominican Republic. HA! And the “nobody talks like that” comment. Yes! It’s those kind of inside jokes that make me love this movie. 🙂
That is a fun fact haha!
Loved the banter! I have not seen this movie. I must rectify that situation, methinks. (And ooo, ooo, I know what the movie is for next week!! But I kind of cheated because Melissa told me…hehe.)
Okay, see, you just need to come visit me sometime and the WHOLE time we’ll just watch old movies. Ooh, we can watch some when you’re here in September. 🙂
I’ve never seen it, but obviously I need to. 🙂
Yes, it’s so great! My only problem with it is that one of the dresses Marilyn Monroe wears left me scarred the first time I saw it…ha! But yeah, it’s hilarious and fun, especially if you’re already an old movie fan…
This is a favorite for my family — we watch it at least once a year. And when my daughter’s found their future husband’s, they had both of them watch Some Like It Hot. Yeah, kind of like “required reading” for college.
I do think Jack Lemmon made this movie. And I always give Marilyn Monroe a bye — even after all these years, I feel sorry for her.
Same here on Marilyn, Beth. Her life story makes me sad. To me, she seems to be someone who really was desperate to be good at what she did, but she was so boxed in by her image. And yet, she didn’t really fight the image either. She’s just interesting…definitely died too early. 🙁 Have you seen her in “How to Marry a Millionaire?” So good!
I’ll have to watch it again, Melissa. It’s been years. I’m always a fan of men dressing as woman in those old movies–hello, “Sisters” in White Christmas!! Ha!
Another of my favorite scenes, Jill:)
Oh, my word! YES!!! I can still hear Danny Kaye giggling …
And now that song’s in my head! I adore that scene…adore most of that whole movie. It also has one of my most used movie quotes: “Isn’t this nice? Boy girl, girl boy.” I feel the need to say it every time I sit down at a table of people.
Funny thing about White Christmas to me, though, is how little the movie really has to do with Christmas! It’s only Christmas-time for about the last five minutes of the movie!
I loved Danny Kay and Bing Crosby doing the Sisters act in White Christmas! My sister and I had the whole song and routine memorized! 🙂
You both are picking some great movies! And while I’m on the fence too as to if it’s the best comedy ever, I definitely laughed during it!
I think it’s pretty impossible to watch it and not laugh. If nothing else than at the way Tony Curtis purses his lips…I read somewhere that he was having trouble acting like a girl, but figured out if he just pursed his lips, then all the rest of it came a little easier. So…there ya go.
It’s been so many years since I saw this movie…like when it came out. I’ll have to get it and watch it again. What’s the next movie? Or did I miss that?
I love Mondays with you two!
Ok, so did you see Some Like it Hot in theater? Because that would be such a blast. I need to move to somewhere that has a theater that shows all old movies.
Next week’s is a surprise!
I have such a hard time remembering movies that I have to ask my kids if I’ve seen it when picking out DVDs in the library. LOL. I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen this one, but I love your dog gliding across the floor story!
Yes, that’s a fun dog story. I have more pet stories than any one person should probably have, but our dog sliding across the bubbly floor is one of my faves. 🙂
Um… did the same thing with the dishwasher 🙂 Adding this my movie list!
Yes, I’m not alone! My siblings really like to throw that one in my face. 🙂
Unfortunately, the video wouldn’t work for me…I’ll have to try back later. I’m sure it was GOLD!
But back to the movie, Some Like it Hot is one of my favorites! It’s genius, in my book. We have an old theater in Memphis which shows classic movies on Friday nights during the summer, and I’d LOVE it if they’d pick this one!
Sad, sorry the vid didn’t work…that’s weird.
It IS a pretty genius movie. And that old theater playing classic movies in the summer idea…I NEED Des Moines to start doing this. Or, I should just come down to Memphis. 🙂
When I need a laugh-who’m I gonna call? Ghostbusters! 😀
Haha, nice!
Somehow I missed seeing Some Like it Hot! And, as for my favorite comedy, there are just too many to choose from! 🙂
If we didn’t already have a movie planned for our hangout in a couple weeks, I’d say we should add Some Like it Hot! But…I AM looking forward to singing lumberjacks, so I say we stick with Seven Brides. Can’t wait to see you!!