Risk and faith and crossroads.

Be willing to go out on a limb with Me. If that is where I am leading you, it is the safest place to be. Your desire to live a risk-free life is a form of unbelief. Your longing to live close to Me is at odds with your attempts to minimize risk. You are approaching a crossroads 
in your journey. In order to follow Me wholeheartedly, 
you must relinquish your tendency to play it safe.
~Jesus Calling, Sarah Young, pg 360, emphasis mine

I read this on Sunday. Today it’s Friday and I’m still mulling it. Maybe it’s because one year is ending and another soon to start that I’m finding myself so reflective. Or maybe, and most likely, God’s saying something…

About being willing to go new places with Him…
About chucking off that tendency to look out for myself and avoid risk…
About a coming crossroads…
About following Him…

I don’t know. But honestly, that little devotional is prompting lots of head-thought and I think heart-change, too. 

What does that quote say to you? Are you a “play it safe” kinda person or more naturally willing to take risks? Have you taken any risks lately?

p.s. Today it’s my turn to post at the MBT Ponderers, and I asked awesome friend and fellow writer Lindsay Harrel to be my guest. She wrote the sweetest post ever. 🙂 I hope you’ll check it out.

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    Comments 11

    1. I’ve picked up and put down “Jesus Calling” so many times … finally picked up 2 copies so that a friend and I can read through it together in 2013.
      And this morning I journaled about “dreaming big” and shoving all the chips back on the table and being willing to risk it all …
      So, yeah, you’ve got me thinking.

    2. i’m a play it safe person, but in the past couple of years the Lord has been literally pushing me out on that limb! I know He wouldn’t force it if my heart truly didn’t desire to follow, but wow, it hasn’t been easy! (Of course, being a normally “safe” person, my limbs are baby things compared to other people!) I may not always be courageous enough to take the first step toward risk, but my heart is willing to follow wherever He leads and so He pushes me forward. Interestingly enough, I find myself living a more peaceful inner life in spite of those risky (for me) situations!

    3. I love Jesus Calling…thanks for introducing me to it. 🙂 This is such a good passage. I’m totally not a risk taker. But in thinking about this writing journey…I guess I am. Because don’t we have to be in order to achieve anything really worthwhile? We have to put ourselves–our work–out there, which is totally a risk in and of itself.

      I like the idea of being a risk taker when it comes to obeying God, though, because His best waits just around that bend…and He’s faithful to get us there if we’re willing to step out in faith.

    4. What a cool thought! I’m definitely a play-it-safe kind of person. 🙂 But as scary as it is to risk or step into the unknown, I do believe when we put our trust in God, things aren’t as scary as we thought they’d be. We can make it through with greater confidence and peace because He’s helping us through.

    5. Good stuff. I am a play it safe person. But I am getting risk-er (not sure if that is a word??). I entered a writing contest, that was pretty big for me. I am reminded of Narnia, Aslan isn’t safe but he is good….just like our God:)


    6. Like Loree, I used to be a “play it safe” kind of person, but as I’ve grown older, I’ve found I’m more willing to take (healthy) risks. We never know what blessing God has in store for us–it may be just around the corner. And what have we got to lose? I believe this is exactly how God grows/challenges us.

    7. My nature is play-it-safe, but God’s been knocking that outta me these past couple of years, specifically as I pursue my writing. The line that most stands out with me in that quote (and will keep me pondering) is “Your longing to live close to Me is at odds with your attempts to minimize risk.” Thanks for sharing!

    8. I’m LOVING ‘Jesus Calling’. Today’s entry was particularly meaningful because yesterday tanked at the bottom of the ocean. Right on the sand. Where the roots of the kelp are. Where the lost keys and cameras land….Gah!!!
      But today? Today is a walk back out on the limb kind of day. Bounce a little…test the faith…and jump.

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