Because Mondays just wouldn’t be right without a slice of random – also, because I’ve probably had too many cups of coffee this morning – it’s time for a Top Five Flash. Sounds like a game show, yeah? (Don’t worry, I won’t say anything at the end about controlling the pet population.)
Top Five…
…Reasons you should probably go to the Iowa State Fair
5) Deep fat fried butter on a stick. The thought of it makes me want to throw up. But sorta like how I could never turn away when Jack Bauer did crazy things on 24, should I see someone actually try butter on a stick, I’d have to watch.
4) Lettuce on a stick. Full of contradictions, this fair.
1) 100th anniversary of the butter cow.
…Things you can do on facebook you can’t in real life
5) Multiple conversations at once. I’m not a big facebook chatter, but when I do, I inevitably end up chatting with two or three people at once. If I could do this in real life, productivity would peak. Also, probably I’d need a throat lozenge.
4) Publicly “liking” everything I see. Ooh, like that tree. Like that sunrise. Like my pillow.
3) Narrate your life. Drinking my favorite hazelnut coffee from my favorite blue mug. Putting honey and peanut butter on my toast. Sticky fingers. All true, but I’d never narrate it out loud. (Okay, fine, yes I would.)
2) Poke random strangers. Although, I’m tempted sometimes to try.
1) Write on walls. Except, wait, you can do this in real life. Just not legally.
Moments of “Thank you, Lord, for Texting”
-when the firefighters were changing
-when that guy called me honeycakes
-showing off photos
-turning down invitations
-smiling when you really don’t feel like it
Top 10 Reasons you should go to the Iowa State Fair