Yaaay, author Beth Vogt returns to Tag(g)lines today! Beth previously guest-posted here back in December, still several months before the release of her debut novel, Wish You Were Here. Now she’s back!
If you haven’t had a chance to read WYWH yet, then I think you know what you need to do immediately after reading Beth’s interview below. I’m telling you, awesome, awesome book! Beth’s next book releases next May. It’s possible I’m already counting the weeks. 🙂
Without giving anything away, I think I can safely say Allison finds her “happily ever after,” right? But how does her definition of happily ever after change from page 1 to the end?
Allison got almost to an “I do” with one man because she was forcing herself to live what I call a “planned, canned” happily ever after – a life that included safety and security. By the end of WYWH, Allison truly embraced who she was and what she wanted out of life – and who she loved.
How about your male POV? What does he learn on the way to “happily ever after?”
You mentioned to me that HEA is worth fighting for. Have you ever “fought for” your own HEA?
I’ve also fought for my happily ever after by standing my ground. Every marriage goes through tough times, and my marriage is no different. My husband and I made a commitment early on – a covenant really – with God, with each other, and eventually with our four children – that there would never be a divorce. That doesn’t mean that we didn’t struggle, that we didn’t have to fight through hurts and disappointments. I can remember one time saying to my husband, “Well, I guess this is what a covenant is for” because circumstances had stripped our marriage to its bedrock beliefs.
Going theological for a moment! Do you think there’s such a thing as a “Biblical view” of happily ever after? I found my own thoughts veering all sorts of directions when I started thinking on that…
I think both Alison and Daniel face moments in the story when their own happily ever after seems totally unlikely. How would you encourage Alison and Daniel–or anyone, doubting the possibility of their own HEA?
Your book has been out for just over two months now. How has life changed? Stayed the same? Anything unexpected about the whole post-release-date thing?
I had a fun run-in with a reader at my local Barnes and Noble, where this young woman told me how she’d read WYWH and how she’d heard that the author lived in the Springs and how she loved the book. And she didn’t hear me say, “I’m the author” until the third time. Her reaction was so, so fun and then we took a photo together and she introduced me to her mom … unreal.
What’s next for you?!
I’m waiting for my editor to send back the manuscript for my second book, Catch a Falling Star, so I can dive into edits. It comes out next May. I’ve seen what the art department at Howard Books is working on for the cover and I love the direction they are going. And I’m working on ideas for several more books.
Comments 25
Lovely interview today, ladies! Can’t wait to see pictures of your daughter’s wedding, I know you’ll be posting some, right? 🙂
Good morning, Jess!
Absolutely will be posting photos of Amy & David’s wedding day (2 more days to go!). I only wish I could do a soundtrack. I love the song Amy picked out to walk down the aisle. Well, I use the word “aisle” loosely, since the wedding is outdoors.
Praying for your family with the big day tomorrow, TEE. 🙂
Yay, Beth! I loved WYWH and I love you! 🙂
Happily ever after…hmmm. Well, the definition has certainly changed from the time I was a little girl wearing princess outfits and watching Disney movies! Back then, the idea of HEA was all wrapped up in one guy…my guy…the guy who would make life just what it should be.
But that’s so different from my thoughts now. Don’t get me wrong. I love my husband. He brings so much joy to my life. But to put the kind of pressure on him that I used to put on the “guy of my dreams”…well, anyone would have failed miserably. Because no man can give us that soul happiness–true joy, true peace, despite heartache and trials. Only God can do that.
So HEA? Riding the waves of life with God and trusting. Still working–majorly–on that last part!
Love you right back, Lindsay. Becoming friends with you is a highlight of this year!
And I agree, HEA is so much more than just finding Mr. Right.
I like to say there’s more to HEA than the fairy tales tell us.
I totally echo Beth’s sentiments about becoming friends with you being a highlight of this year, Linds!!
So glad to see you, Beth in this momentous week! Great interview, and I love the covenant you your husband made with God. Wish all couples would do that!
Hi, Pat!
That covenant, while made while we were much, much younger — and probably unaware of the true meaning — has been one of the most important commitments of my life.
Congratulations Beth…and to your daughter. May you have a day filled with blessings. Although i’ve never had a ‘special guy’ in my life as such, i still have a HEA as my life is tied up in Christ…that sounds good…and that is what i’m striving for. Not there yet.
Sounds as if you’ve discovered what Lindsay talked about earlier in the comments: HEA is more than finding “the guy.” And I am so thankful that we’ve realized that truth. HEA is emotional and spiritual — not just romance.
I loved this: “The emotion of happiness is based on circumstances and can change from minute to minute. God promises us joy – a deep abiding joy. (Romans 15:13) That’s what I want.”
Emotions and feelings are so fickle. I agree that Happily Ever After is more about committment, faith and trust. It’s about saying to my husband, no matter what, we’re in this together and we’ll ride the highs and lows as a team. HEA is a promise that we’ll each seek the abiding joy the Lord gives freely and we’ll use that joy to bless each other.
I love you ladies! It’s such a treat to come to one place and see both of you here. Thanks Beth & Melissa!
Waving to Gabrielle!
What a treat to see you this morning too!
I appreciate how you highlight the idea of “blessing each other” in a marriage relationship.
Gabe, I loved the same thing in Beth’s post. Life is not about trying to be “happy” all the time. I still remember this one day, in high school, journaling (I actually journaled back then!) and realizing for the first time the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is temporary and flighty as all get out. Joy is deeper, less fickle and doesn’t depend on circumstances.
Loved meeting you again, Beth. I picked up WYWH but haven’t had the chance to read it yet. It’s not far down my pile right now though–summer is when I get the chance to tackle my TBR pile that grows all winter long:) Best of luck on your next book–I loved the story of you meeting a reader, made me smile:)
Good morning, Susan!
Glad to know that WYWH is in your TBR pile — and I understand how those things grow! I have real one(s) and a virtual one in my Kindle.
And yes, meeting my reader in B&N — such a fun memory that still brings a smile to my face. My 11 y.o. daughter was with me at the time and she loves for me to tell the story.
I’m really looking forward to reading this one! And I love Beth’s blog. Thanks you two!
Thanks for those kind words, Stacy!
I bought Beth’s book and have it in my possession. I will be starting it soon. Great interview, ladies. Looking forward to seeing the wedding pics, Beth! Have a happy day!
Hi, Loree!
I hope you enjoy meeting Allison, Seth and Daniel in WYWH!
Wedding pictures to come …
So excited for you Beth!! I pray all goes well with the wedding.
With all the divorces being announced from Hollywood, it is sad to see that “Happily Ever After” isn’t being fought for any longer.
It is worth fighting for everyday!! More and more people should know this.
Can’t wait to read your book.
Hello, Ruth!
I’ve learned that sometimes –dare I say every time — couples do not know the meaning “for better, for worse” when they say their wedding vows.
And sometimes love is a fight.
Awesome experience to talk to that reader! Thanks for sharing, ladies!
Hi, Jessica!
Yes, talking to my reader was so much fun! My daughter took our photo and then I emailed it to her later that day and we emailed back and forth a couple of times … Loved it!
Marriage as a covenant with God and with each other….that really struck me. “Covenant” is so much stronger than simply calling it a commitment. Powerful words, Beth. And I agree, that truly is what marriage should be. Congrats and best wishes for your daughter!
Must’ve been great meeting a reader who didn’t know it was you. Talk about getting a straight up and true opinion of your work! Awesome.
Can’t wait for your second book to come out!
Hi, Marney!
So thankful we’ve connected in the blog-o-sphere! My daughter has appreciated all the good wishes for her wedding day. I will add yours to the bunch.