Rajdeep Paulus is back with a beautiful follow-up to her awesome debut

One of my faaaavorite debut authors from 2013 is back…both here on the blog and in the world of new releases! Rajdeep Paulus‘s sophomore novel, Seeing Through Stones, just released on March 1 and guys, it’s SO good. Seriously, this girl can write. If you don’t take my word for it, take Tosca Lee’s…

“Tough and touching, resilient and raw—Rajdeep Paulus has crafted a story of love and abuse with the deft touch of a master… Paulus never allows her characters to be anything less than real and she never averts her pen from the realities that face far too many women and children. “
~ Tosca Lee, NY Times Bestselling Author of
Havah and The Books of Mortals series with Ted Dekker

You need to read this book! But first…check out the fun Q&A with Raj and be sure to get the details on her sweet giveaway at the end. 


Melissa: First, some questions about the book. What, if anything, was different about writing a sequel versus writing your debut, Swimming Through Clouds?

unnamedRaj: Wow. Everything! As a newbie author, I thought I could just dive in and write a story that made sense to me. I’m that writer who loves to just pick up and start running. *Ernnnnnn!* <–That’s supposed to be the sound of breaks screeching to a stop. Not once. Not twice. But three times! I literally put together three entire books, taking my characters here, there, backwards, and everywhere, only to receive throat-clearing, eyebrow-raising, head-shaking no’s from both my agent and editor. It has been very sobering. But I feel like I’ve grown in my understanding of the process and how I needed to give weight to what the readers of Swimming Through Clouds expected in a sequel.

When you write the first book, you’re writing in a cave. The sequel is more like writing in a cave with lots of windows and holes which readers are peeking through to whisper their wishes, questions, and hopes for the forward journey of the world you created. Not an isolated process by any means, and that’s okay. I just had to balance what I knew the readers wanted and what I knew I had to write with the skills of a Cheesecake Factory waitress. Yep. Lots of broken dishes and messes to clean up along the way, but in the end, I had to let her go. I can only hope the recipe took and Seeing Through Stones is the best story it can be.


Melissa: I feel very confident in saying it is. So, in Seeing Through Stones, we get to spend more time with Jesse and oh, he just tugged on my heart so much. What was it like writing in his POV? (If you haven’t read Swimming Through Clouds, Jesse is the brother of the main character, Talia, and when Seeing Through Stones opens, he’s ready to take drastic action to break from his abusive father.)

Raj: Yeah! And great question. I started out by doing a trial run. I wrote a couple of chapters and sent it to my best friend with one question: Do you hear a guy’s voice or girl’s voice? She gave me the thumbs up when she said, “Clearly a guy!” So I kept going. Not that it was easy. But I fell in heart with Jesse’s journey too, wanting to see this young man find his footing in the world, a friend who wow’d him, and a step toward freedom from the broken past that haunts him.


Melissa: Music time! Name a few songs from your Seeing Through Stones playlist.

So glad you asked! I’d love to!  “Dare You to Move” from Switchfoot is the song I my first ever TRAILER!  <— Filmed with my handy-dandy iPhone on a 10 degree winter morn at the Syosset Train Station! Well worth the frostbitten fingers, because, this song is too perfect for Jesse and his story.

“Kal ho na Ho” is a Hindi song that I love and the key lyrics translate, “Tomorrow might not come.” And there’s a new and upcoming artist friend of a friend who launched his album this year, and the song, “Lightning Eyes” by Evan Chambers, actually inspired a key scene in Stones. Plus, every time I hear the song, I just want to get up and dance! He’s offering it as a free download right now, so pop over and snag that puppy up! (For the rest of the playlist, click over to Playlist Fiction.)


4)   What’s your hope for readers of Seeing Through Stones?

On a personal level, I want readers of Stones to connect with Jesse and Talia’s walks, ask themselves where they find their hope from, and know that they are accepted and loved by the “Gardener.” <3 Maybe even think of a Jesse or Talia in their circle and reach out to that person. And of course, I want readers to love the story enough to want then to share it with friends, family, and well, Oprah! 🙂

Lightning round just-for-fun questions:

Coke or Pepsi?

Umm… strawberry lemonade. Not into the fizzy drinks.


Chris or Liam Hemsworth? (I already know your answer to this, but the subject really doesn’t get old.)

Liam, BUT, that moment when the words came out of Chris’ mouth at the Oscars on Sunday night, I have to admit, I was almost swooned to the other side. Almost.  😉


Batman or Superman?

Batman. Hands down. But now that Christian Bale has officially hung up his cape, I’m hesitant to watch the next one. (Melissa: I hear you. It’s hard for me to believe any Batman could be as good as Christian Bale’s Batman.)


Apple or PC? (There’s really only one right answer to that one, but I’ll try to show grace if you give the wrong one.)

Apple. Siri and I are besties. Especially when I get lost in the city.


Backstreet Boys or ‘N Sync? (It’s possible there’s no right answer to this one, just the lesser of two mockables. And yeah, I just made up a word, I think.)

Ummm… if we’re talking boy bands crushes, I was a New Edition and 98 Degrees fan. And New Kids on the Block. And Boyz II Men. Okay, I’ll stop now!!


Run a marathon or swim the English Channel?

Swim the English Channel. Would come back as a fish if it was an option, but, ya know, YOLO kind of limits that option. I’ve run a few 5K’s and I’ve completed one Triathalon. And by some miracle, I crossed the finish line at the Tough Mudder last June! Total. Miracle. But I think if it was a matter of survival, I’m less likely to drown than to stumble and eat it as I turn the corner of mile 8-ish. So this is purely a minimal injury response.

Thanks for having me, Melissa! Always love chatting with you about books, life, music and Hollywood crushes! hugs, Raj


Rajdeep Paulus studied English Literature at Northwestern University and lives in NewYork with her Sunshine and four princesses.

Seeing Through Stones - Rajdeep PaulusMore about Seeing Through Stones:

“I live in the in between. Between yesterday and forever. The way forward haunts me. The gap I must cover daunts me. And hope beckons, ‘Run to me,’ but I just learned to walk.”

After a lifetime of abuse, the Vanderbilt siblings flee their home, finally free to pursue new dreams while running from yesterday’s nightmares.

Once bed-ridden Jesse navigates the Chicago streets, concealing his identity and planning revenge. A chance encounter in the rain introduces a girl who offers Jesse a glimpse of a sunnier future, but how will he weather the growing storm inside himself?

Separated from her Post-it note prince, Talia hides at a safe house for survivors of domestic violence while her father turns the city upside-down to find her. Surrounded by women fighting their own demons, Talia faces her past at every turn.

Check out the Seeing Through Stones Giveaway over at Playlist Fiction. Prizes include a $20 Amazon gift card, jewelry, mugs and more!


Readers, your turn to answer one of the super important lightning round questions. Hemsworth brothers, boy band, Batman vs. Superman…your pick.

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    Comments 36

    1. Congrats on the book release, Raj! 🙂 Loved the interview, ladies.

      And hmmm…no question: Chris Hemsworth. (fans self)

      I was an ‘N Sync girl in 9th grade, so I gotta go that way, methinks.

      And Superman…I mean, he flies!

      1. Post

        Ooh yeah, there is the flying thing. That is pretty sweet. Also, I think Superman might simply be nicer than Batman.

        But then there’s Christian Bale as Batman…who is awesome.

        This is why I like asking other people these questions but not having to choose myself.

      1. Post

        I always forget about the other Hemsworth. It’s like Ryan Cassidy…everybody knows David and Sean, but who knows Ryan? Actually probably most people my age or younger DON’T know ANY of the Cassidys.

        Okay, there’s nothing wrong with a PC…it’s just Apples are better. 🙂 Hehehe…

      2. Thanks, Patricia. I would have to second the Hemsworth ‘great gene pool’ acknowledgement!! And not to get in the middle of a squibble, but you know what they say about an *cough* apple *cough* a day… 🙂

    2. Congratulations on your second book, Raj! It was fun reading about your journey to write this sequel. It sounds like you’ve written about a tough subject with grace and understanding. Praying for every heart that reads it.

      1. Post
      2. Awww. So nice to see you again, Gaby, cyberly-speaking! And I so appreciate the prayers. Longing to reach lots of teen hearts and give them powerful stories that make them ask the big questions. Also hope to introduce some romance to teens that doesn’t involve tons of exposed skin and touchy-touch stuff that, imo, they’re getting too much of as it is on the big screen. I think this generation has really lost the art of sweet, creative romance in some ways. I hope to bring that back. Who knows, maybe they’re be a Post-it pandemic and tons of teen girls will send me some twitter love to thank me for helping their guys leave them love notes all over town. 🙂 Ya never know!

      1. Post
        1. Post
        2. Hi Teri!

          The books do tackle tough topics. But my take is that life is tough. And hard. And a battle. But the good news is, we don’t fight alone. 🙂

          Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

      1. Post

        They’re YA so I bet your students would really like them, Renee. But they’re also incredibly readable for those of us who aren’t technically so YA anymore. 🙂

      2. Hi Renee!

        One of my biggest dreams is to get my books on the high school curriculum. And have high school English classes discuss them!! Would love if you took that step for your students! And thank you so much, Melissa. I think there’s a teenager inside most of us that still enjoys the wonder of first crush and first love. 🙂


    3. Another to add to the good ol’ pile. I think I’m going to need another vacation to tackle it:) And Superman. The newest Superman. Definitely:)

      1. Post
      2. Hi Susan! I would have to second that the new Superman was Hawt! Yep. But I would also agree with Melissa, that movie was problematic. I never, and I mean NEVER, fall asleep at the movies. That final fight scene went on so long, I actually dozed off.

        Hope my books make it into you VACA luggage! 🙂


    4. Thank you for the introduction to Rajdeep Paulos. I enjoyed this delightful interview and will be adding her books to my TBR list. Congratulations on your newest release, Raj!

      1. Post
    5. Great interview, Melissa and Raj! I love your voice, Raj! Your books sound fascinating and full of hope in the midst of haunting circumstances.

      Let’s see, I’m a Mac girl. Now. I actually just bought Scrivener TODAY. My brain is fried from reading the tutorial. But….I digress.

      Batman or Superman? I’ll take both, thank you very much. 🙂

      1. Post

        Yay for another Mac girl. I don’t use Scrivener, but I know lots of people who do and love it! And I like your Batman/Superman answer…because really, why limit yourself. The world can never have too many superheroes.

    6. Hi Jeanne,

      Thanks so much for the kind words. You should hear me sing. *Kidding*
      Yeah for Macs and a world that, like Melissa said, “can never have too many superheroes.”

      Did I mention I have a thing for Ironman?

      Thanks again, Melissa, for having me. Love your interview style and love chatting with you and your readers!

      hugs to all and DON’T FORGET TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY!! Don’t want to keep all the cool prizes to myself. no. I don’t.


      1. Post
    7. Great interview! These books sound really interesting and if Melissa says they are good I’m sure they are!
      Since for most of the lighting questions I wouldn’t choose either I’m going to answer the Hemsworth brother question, and my pick is definitely Chris! I mean c’mon he’s Thor!!!!!

      1. Post
    8. Rajdeep, Seeing Through Stones sounds very interesting. I’ll have to add it to my to-buy list!

      Will there be another one in the series, or do you think you’ll write something unrelated next?

      Melissa, I’m leaning away from Hollywood crushes now, but if I had to answer: Chris Hemsworth. But I’m still more of a Matt Damon or Jonathan Taylor Thomas girl.

      Blessings to both of you!

      1. Post

        Jonathan Taylor Thomas…what a throwback!! (Unless, wait…is he back on TV now and I just don’t know it? I only know him from his heyday of fame in the 90s. Also, is that how you spell heyday?? 🙂 )

    9. I’m pretty sure I’ll pick Chris because I probably knew of him before his brother and I’ve likely seen him in more movies too… and because he’s THOR. 😉

      Batman or Superman… hmmm…. do I have to pick? Well I really liked Henry’s Superman but Batman has all that wealth plus he’s human who just happens to be able to afford all that cool gadgetry that allows him to live in anonymity and be supercool. I doubt I’ll like Ben as well as Christian as Batman but I’ll still watch the movie. Just because I like the superhero flicks – silly flashiness and all!

      Fun post, ladies – and CONGRATS on a new book, Raj; the cover is lovely.

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