Welcome Mat Wednesday: Becky Wade

Yup, Tag(g)lines is back today after a two-week break during which I wrote frantically. Like, Cookie Monster eating cookies frantically. Come to think of it, I also ate a few cookies. So the analogy works on multiple levels.

Okay, we have the oh-so-wonderful Becky Wade here today! Becky’s book, My Stubborn Heart, which released around this time last year is up for a RITA. Yay!

And her latest book, Undeniably Yours, just came out this month. People, it is a FABULOUS read. True story: I finished reading Undeniably Yours while on a recent trip to Savannah. And I may or may not have gotten a little upset with an airline attendant who decided to start our flight boarding right when I was reaching the “black moment” of the story. Rude. Just kidding…mostly.

Once you’ve had a chance to read the Q&A with Becky, be sure to check out the details of a LitFuse contest for a Kindle Fire giveaway down below. ALSO, Becky is doing a Book Banter chat on the Bethany House Facebook page tonight at 7 p.m. CST. Stop by for a chance to win a copy of her new book!

p.s. And just to clarify, in the intro video when I say I was happy that I “didn’t have to get dressed” all last week, please be assured…I was, in fact, attired. Flannel pants. T-shirt. M’kay? And now, here we go with the interview…

1) Undeniably Yours is fabulous and romantic and sweet (and has one of the cutest covers ever). Can you give us a peek at what sparked this story?

I wanted to write a rich girl/poor boy romance.  Many, many years ago I read some Regency-era romances with this sort of premise and the dynamic between the hero and heroine was so effective that it stuck with me over time.  There’s just something wonderfully juicy about a common-born hero who loves, deeply loves, a woman he perceives to be far above him.

Since I wanted to write a modern-day Texas setting, I made my heroine an oil heiress.  She was raised by her nanny, attended a private girl’s school, and lives in a ranch/mansion.  I made my hero the manager of her Thoroughbred racehorse farm.  He was raised in a very ordinary, simple, small town Texas sort of way.  He’s a cowboy through and through.

The reader, of course, can see, despite the hero’s lack of great wealth, status, or education, that he’s perfect for the heroine.  All the trappings don’t matter because he’s trustworthy and true.  The fun in writing this sort of love story is that it inevitably takes the hero a good long while to understand this truth about himself.

2) Let’s talk about Bo. Because…what girl wouldn’t want to talk about Bo? 🙂 But seriously, he’s a great character who definitely earns the title “hero.”

As I told you recently, Melissa, I think I have a hero hangover after writing Bo Porter.  There was just something about him.  He was so faithful, so masculine, so humble.  But I think the clincher for me was that he loved Meg with such fierce depth of emotion.  He didn’t just love her.  He really, sacrificially, unswervingly LOVED her. 

Does he share any traits with real-life heroes in your life?

When my husband finished reading Undeniably Yours he confidently declared that he and Bo share many similarities.  I burst out laughing.

Now ladies, you must understand.  My laughter didn’t hurt my husband’s feelings.  His natural confidence in himself is towering.

The truth is that each of my heroes, just like each of my female characters, do share a few traits with people I know in the real world.  The two qualities Bo shares with my husband:

            1) My husband is always telling me I look great (even when I most certainly don’t).

            2) My husband’s nearness also calms my anxiety.

3) Meg is an heiress. I’m not going lie…at one point in reading Undeniably Yours, I started thinking of what I’d do with that kind of money. LOL! But like Meg, do you have any special causes you’d love to support if you suddenly came into a fortune?

I had great fun writing a super-wealthy heroine!  It was wonderful to live in her shoes… or her Louboutins, as the case may be.  If I came into a fortune I’d love to give to my home church and also to Compassion International, which supports and educates children around the globe.  My husband and I sponsored a girl in Indonesia through Compassion from the age of four right up through her graduation from the program. 

(And just for fun, what’s one frivolous thing you’d spend your theoretical mullah on?)

A vacation house!  Since I’m dreaming, I’d buy a beach house in Laguna, California.  My family and extended family could spend time there relaxing, playing board games, lying on the sand, taking walks through the canyons, reading. 

4) What’s one takeaway you hope readers walk away with after reading Undeniably Yours?

The assurance that God DOES have a plan for them.  Even when you and I are riddled with worry and when we can’t see His purposes — He’s there.  He’s with us through the doubt.  And in His time and in His way, He’ll reveal His intentions to us. 

5) This has become my new favorite question for author Q&As: If Undeniably Yours had a soundtrack, what are a few songs that would make the list?

Love You More by Perrin Lamb is the song featured in the book trailer for Undeniably Yours and I think it’s a great fit.  Romantic and modern!

Because the novel is set in Texas and the hero’s a cowboy, I reference quite a bit of Country music in the book.  If Tomorrow Never Comes by Garth Brooks would suit the Texas setting and also Bo’s feelings for Meg.

These three all speak powerfully to the faith story in Undeniably Yours:

Always by Kristian Stanfill

Praise You In This Stormby Casting Crowns

You Are I Am by MercyMe

6) And lastly, can you give us a glimpse at what you’re working on next?

I’m working on Bo’s brother’s story!  Ty Porter is a World Champion bull rider.  He thinks he has it all; fame, money, career success.  What he’s about to discover is that his life is far emptier than he’d dreamed, because he has a daughter he knows nothing about.

Thank you, Melissa, for interviewing me here on your blog.  I’m honored that you invited me to stop by. 

All right, readers, if you were an heiress like Meg in Undeniably Yours, what’s one thing you’d spend the money on?

Becky Wademakes her home in Dallas, Texas with her husband, three children, and one adoring (and adored) cavalier spaniel. Her CBA debut, My Stubborn Heart, has been named a finalist for an INSPY Award and for Romance Writers of America’s RITA Award.  Her new contemporary romance, Undeniably Yours, is available now!

Connect with Becky:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorbeckywade

Twitter: twitter.com/beckywadewriter

Pinterest: pinterest.com/beckywadewriter/

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5298259.Becky_Wade

Details of the LitFuse giveaway:
Currenly, Litfuse Publicity is running a giveaway for a Kindle Fire!
Enter Today – 5/11 – 5/29!
undeniably yours becky wade kindle fire Giveaway

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    Comments 40

      1. HI, Jessica! What fun to see you here. All the sweet and cool people hang out at your blog, Melissa. Your blog is like that house in high school where all the girlfriends liked to chill on Saturday nights.

    1. I can’t wait for the book banter tonight. Your book looks wonderful and I’m sure i’ll enjoy it as much as the first one. I am looking forward to September for Made to Last.
      In answer to your question….I would pay off all my bills and take my whole family on a wonderful vacation ; )

    2. Ah, Mel and Becky in one place. Yay! (And Mel, glad to know you were in fact clothed last week. Hehe. I burst out laughing when you said it in the video, but I knew what you meant.)

      Can’t wait to read this book!! I loved My Stubborn Heart. Loved!

      And I love this cover. If I was rich, it’s quite possible I’d buy a whole bunch of cute pink heels like the ones on the cover. I’d call them my Becky Wade shoes. 😉 Hehe.

      But yes, a beach house would probably be the way to go.

      1. Haha, yeah, I don’t actually usually rewatch my videos once they’re recorded, but this one I did because I was worried about the glare…and I rolled my eyes when I heard that come out of my mouth. And yet, I didn’t re-record…this, the disclaimer. Ha!

        I want pink heels too! They’d be such good incentive to actually learn how to walk in heels!

      2. Hi, Lindsay! I definitely should have purchased a pair of pink heels when Katie Ganshert and I were trying to re-create UY’s cover shot. Sometimes I’m too frugal for my own good.

    3. Hmmm. Selfishly? I would love a house overlooking water and a lifetime of housekeeping services. Not saying that my house with four of my own children, umpteen friends of said children, two dogs ever gets dirty!

    4. I love the cover too — and I loved the Pinterest wars when Katie Ganshert and Becky recreated the cover! Undeniably Yours is in my TBR pile … once my deadline is done. (Almost … almost!)

      1. Beth, I’m on deadline, too, so I can relate with that… um… fun. Since our books release at the same time each year and our deadlines are also the same I’m guessing we’ll continue to stay right in sync with one another! 🙂 The May girls.

    5. YAY! What a delight to see one of my very favorite authors and one of my very favorite bloggers (and soon to be author!) together in this post! Loved it, Becky and Melissa.

      Hmmm… if I was an heiress, well, I’m with Becky and Alena. I would enjoy a “haven” in a warmer setting or somewhere that is surrounded by God’s most gorgeous natural settings. Sounds like a guilty pleasure worthy of pure pleasure enjoyment.

      The UY cover photography is adorable! (Oh, those pink shoes!) I was giddy the moment I saw it and the story equally follows suit. So charming and beautiful (Meg in particular was a wonderful and unique lady, and Bo… well, golly, what a gentleman!). Thanks for sharing this story with us, Becky – and I am anxiously awaiting Ty’s story. Cannot wait to meet the woman who will steal his heart. 😉

    6. Hi, Rissi! It’s wonderful to see you here.

      Ty is A LOT to handle – confident, charming, blunt, and unafraid. I had to make his heroine extra, extra spunky to put up with him.

    7. I’ve heard such wonderful things about your writing, Becky. Even though I’m smitten with the Victorian Era and tend to read mostly historical romances, I must check your stories out. I love a great hero, and Bo definitely sounds like one.

    8. I’m still waiting for my Undeniably Yours to arrive in the mail. However, I have informed by a close friend that she’s very jealous because all she wants is to ahve not read it so she can read it for the first time all over again! I’m hoping it shows up by next week – the hubby is overseas for work so I have big plans to bunker down with some favourite food and great books!

      On anotehr note – LOVE your bookcase 🙂

      1. Ha, your friend’s comment made me laugh. I’ve had that feeling with wonderful books before too…I actually DID re-read Becky’s first book…probably will her second one too at some point. 🙂

    9. I’m so glad you’re back, Melissa! And thanks for introducing us to Becky with insights into her new book. Strong heroes are a MUST – well done! Congratulations on your new release, Becky. Woo hoo!

    10. Hi, Keli! I’ve heard such wonderful things about your writing, too. When I was updating my web site a few months back my friend Jill Kemerer suggested that I add a Media Kit page. She said, “Look at Keli Gwyn’s! Do you see how fantastic her media kit page is, all the items she’s included?” I was duly inspired, Keli. Thanks for being so fabulously organized that you gave me something to model my own (more modest) efforts after.

      Still waiting for your copy to arrive, Kara? It sounds like you have some perfect book-reading days coming to you. This might sound rude, but in a way, I wouldn’t mind a bit if my whole family (hubs and kids) shipped overseas for a week or ten days or so. I’d just read and read….

      Thank you, Donna!

    11. Sounds like a great book! And I love a great book cover!

      If I were an heiress, I’d start a foundation that pays off student loans for “deserving” graduates. (No, I don’t know what “deserving” looks like, exactly, except that my husband and I would totally fall into that category!)

    12. Becky, I absolutely loved My Stubborn Heart as you may remember from the spazzy email I sent you. I have Undeniably Yours and can’t wait to read it. Unfortunately it must wait until this manuscript has been turned in.

      I love great heroes. As a mother of two young men, I hope I’ve raised them to be real-life heroes.

      As for the money–I’d pay off my boys’ college debts so they can go to school without stressing about little things like rent and groceries. Secondly, I’d make a huge huge huge donation to Operation Christmas Child, an organization that gives Christmas presents and the Gospel to children all around the world….every child needs hope. Then I’d support our church’s missionaries to help supply educational and medical needs for the communities they’re working with.

      1. Remember talking in the Atlanta airport about Becky’s books, Lisa? I remember one or both of us saying, “There’s just something about them…the emotion sweeps you away!” 🙂

        I love Operation Christmas Child. One of my favorite memories from high school was in youth group when we decided to collect items for OCC. We collected so much that on the night we packed our boxes, we ran out of shoeboxes. So we ended up going through the neighborhood, knocking on doors, asking people for shoeboxes…good times.

      2. Hi, Lisa! OCC is ::such:: a good one. I go shopping with my kids every year so they can each fill a shoebox for children the same age and gender they are. I like how they can now track the boxes and let you know which country your box went to.

    13. Love this…will be browsing pinterest to find those cover wars. How hysterical! And, what a lovely cover! adding to TBR pile!

      If we had the extra funds? Definitely would get tickets for 4 to a Kings Playoff Hockey Game. My hubby is raising consummate sports fans in our little girls. He shoots, he scores! 🙂


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