Adventure. What’s it look like to you? Does it mean traveling around the world, or can you find it in your every day life? We’re talking about adventure of all kinds this month during our Wednesday guest posts.
And I’m so thrilled that awesome author Cara Putman is helping kick things off with today’s post! So thrilled, in fact, that I’ve just got to do a giveaway. Soooo…
You know the drill! Leave a comment below for a chance to win a copy of Cara’s brand new novel, A Wedding Transpires on Mackinac Island. It just released a few days ago! Facebook/Tweet about the contest, and I’ll enter ya twice. You’ve got ’til next Tuesday at 5 p.m. to enter.
Longing for an Adventure
Do you ever get a slightly unsettled feeling in your gut? You know the one. The one that causes your nose to crinkle at the thought of food.
Lately I’ve gotten that because I was…ready for this…bored. B O R E D. Anybody who reads my bio would laugh at the thought. My goodness, I’m running six different directions most days trying to keep us all going.
Yet, there was still something. Something just not quite right. Life was static. Routine. Dull. Energy-draining.
So I started asking God for a new adventure. At that point, I didn’t really care if it came in writing (though I have an idea that would push me harder than I’ve been pushed by a story in awhile.), or it could come in a new place to see (I love the adventure of exploring a new location), or I didn’t know what. I just knew I needed Him to open a door to an adventure. And if that adventure could include my family, all the better. I long for us to have an adventure that pulls us together as a family unit.
God has answered that request in a way that has blown my mind. It is a combination teaching position that lets me teach a class I love in a new environment. That new environment is like throwing my family into the briar patch. And it will give us an opportunity to spend a period of time just by ourselves. We will have the chance to build experiences and memories for a lifetime. We’ll also get to know each other really well since we’ll be away from friends and activities.
Don’t forget to leave a comment to enter the drawing for a copy of Cara’s latest book! |
This opportunity has reignited my belief that God delights to give His children good gifts. This dream He’s granting isn’t one that I have to have. I would have an amazingly blessed and fulfilled life without the experience. Still He’s giving it to me.
The best part is this adventure isn’t just for me. I get to share it with the people that matter most to me.
Does your heart cry for adventure? What’s that look like for you?
Cara C. Putman lives in Indiana with her husband and four children. She’s an attorney and a teacher at her church as well as lecturer at Purdue. She has loved reading and writing from a young age and now realizes it was all training for writing books. She loves bringing history and romance to life.
An honors graduate of the University of Nebraska and George Mason University School of Law, Cara left small town Nebraska and headed to Washington, D.C., to launch her career in public policy. Check out Cara’s website here.
Comments 67
Adventure is one of those things like patience – I’m almost AFRAID to ask for it, for fear of what I might have to go through to get it! Ha!
Really, though, I think we’d all like a little adventure from time to time. For me, that would probably look like visiting some large city and exploring it for an extended time.
Melissa, I’m so with you. I get scared to pray for patience. 🙂 But I have prayed for “adventure” before when I’ve had that same restless bug Cara describes. It’s funny…sometimes God prompts me through a new door to something way exciting! Other times, he helps me find the “adventure” in my day to day life.
p.s. I looooved your blog post today. Today was one of those days when I woke up saying, how will I ever get everything done?! I loved the reminder that God is always standing by to help!
I think God created with a deep-down need for something more…and I think that often takes the flavor of adventure. Scary but true!
Cara, I’m so excited to have you here today! Thanks so much…and thanks for the reminder that we can even bring our restlessness to God!
Nice to “meet” you, Cara. Wow, it sounds like you are one busy woman!!
Since discovery and exploration are key to adventure, I guess the adventure I’m on right now involves writing…and trying to navigate this unchartered territory of writing novels in particular, and trying to get an agent and get published. We’ll see where the wind takes me…
Good luck on that journey, Lindsay. it’s a fun and intense one!
That wind is going to take you to ACFW, right, Lindsay? 🙂
ACFW is an amazing place to grow as a writer. I don’t just say that cause I’m on the board. Come this year and you can have fun with Tricia Goyer and me! We’ll be co-teaching one of the continuing education sessions.
Oh yes it will, Mel! I’m there. And apparently, I have to wear my cowgirl hat? …
Yes!! At least for the MBT Pizza Party! Ooh, I need to email you about that because we’re going to have some musical fun…and I know you like musicals!
I love adventure! Sometimes I’m apprehensive about where the Lord is going to take me, but I trust Him and trust wins out! You know, I’ve been bored before but I’ve never told God that. LOL I love that you did!
It’s definitely risky. But I just have a sense that boredom isn’t from Him. Shouldn’t our faith journey be an amazing adventure? I wonder… 🙂
Trust! That’s what it always comes down to, doesn’t it!?
Cara, I just love what you said about boredom not being for God. Love, love, love!
I like an adventure, but not too much of an adventure. I prefer to play it safe 🙂 I always admire folks who embrace adventure more than I do, but a change of the everyday is always a good thing.
Carly, thanks for stopping by! It’s cool to me that God uses both the adventure-seekers and the play-it-safers! 🙂
Enjoyed hearing from Cara. Seem like several stories I’ve read lately have been set in Michigan….must be time to head north for this south Florida girl! Take a beautiful setting toss in a splash of mystery and romance and it sound like you have the recipe for a delightful novel! Will definitly share on FB and Twitter!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Brenda. I’ve only been to Michigan once as a kid. (Unless you count flight layovers!) I’m pretty sure I need to head back, too. 🙂
Great (if almost scary) post. Years ago I asked God to never let me be bored, and He’s kept up His end of the bargain. Your life journey so far sounds like you pretty much are walking that same exciting route.
God has definitely given me some awesome opportunities! It’s been a great journey!
Dee, just from the few short years I’ve known you, I know your life has been an adventure…especially with all your world travels! 🙂
I’m not the most adventurous person, but my hubby has the knack for s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g me at times. When he gets happy homebody me to go out and about, I end up having a good time.
Husbands are so good at stretching us!
I like reading about you and your husband’s adventures, Keli, on your blog…like snowy, cold hikes! 🙂
Every day of my life is an adventure…I’m married to a pastor and have 5 kids. lol. I love it!! I would love to go on an adventure… touring other countries (Ireland, Scotland, Itally, etc.). I would also love to go on a short-term mission trip (like a month to a year). Those would be bigger adventures that I haven’t had yet.
Thanks for a great interview… and I would love to read this book!!
Oh, I also retweeted about this giveaway. Thanks!!
I share that longing to travel and see the world. There’s so much more than our corner of the globe!
This post is such a cool reminder of how we just need to open the door for God to do cool things in our lives. I remember taking a walk with my husband about five years ago. He was telling me about a really big dream and all the reasons it would be impossible for him to ever live it out. I remember telling him that while everything he said was logical, he wasn’t giving God any room to move in the situation. All these years later, he’s right on the verge of that dream coming true. It’s in a different way than we would have ever imagine, but God’s amazing like that.
That is awesome! A book I read recently that really challenged me to dream those bigger than me dreams is Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. Challenged me to risk more so that God shows through bigger!
Ooh, I think I need to check out that book…
My pastor just preached on this last Sunday…always be asking God, “Where to you want to deploy me?”. It might be at home, but taking on a new challenge to reach out to people you don’t know or going overseas. I had played life pretty safe until about 8 years ago when I did my first short term mission trip, which led to 4 years overseas. Now I’m back in the U.S. figuring out what being ready for adventure means here. But I’m always ready for whatever God has in store, no matter the risk.
bookwurm70 at gmail dot com
I love that idea of deployment. Are we willing to go where He sends?
Good luck on the new book release. It sounds like a very good read.
So on my buckeylist to go this island I would love to win this book… thank you
Enjoyed the interview. Sounds like a great book! Can’t wait to read it.
Never can have too much adventure in this life that we are blessed with.
Great to get to know you better.
I’ve always loved the movie “Somewhere in Time” that takes place at the Grand Hotel on the island. I look forward to reading your book.
Loree, I’m trying to remember if I’ve seen “Somewhere in Time.” Hmm…I may need to do a little movie viewing this weekend!
I love Mackinac Island! I would love to read an adventure story that takes place on this Island! Pam
I would love to win! Mackinac was viewed by me through “Somewhere in Time,” however, I did get a review by my daughter after their family’s trip there a couple summers ago! My husband and I honeymooned at Door County, WI, and went on a day trip to Washington Island. We went back several times, loving Door County ambiance, so know I would like reading Cara’s new book!!
shared link on Facebook
tweet posted from your link to mine!
Thanks do much for stopping by and helping spread the word about the giveaway!
Oooh, good question. My heart changes its mind. Sometimes I want adventure and sometimes my couch. lol
Congrats on your release! And the new adventure. 🙂
Thanks, Jessica!
What a wonderfully good place for a novel setting is Mackinac Island. It’s a beautiful place that’s deep in history in many ways. A bike trip around the Island is one relaxing adventure. I would love a chance to read this book. Thank you for offering the contest.
Thanks for stopping by, Patricia! I’m feeling the urge to travel up to Michigan and check it out!
Great post! I don’t think my heart cries out for adventure, at least not the unplanned kind. 🙂 Going on a road trip with my hubby last year without knowing where we’d stay two of the four nights was an adventure for me – and a ton of fun. This writing journey has been a real adventure, but trusting God has made it less scary and more exciting.
Trusting God, oh yes. Actually I read a devotional this morning about how even though we don’t always know what’s around the bend, we can be excited for the unknowns… Because God knows. Knowing he knows turns what could be scary into something exciting…
I hate change and disorder, but I crave adventure! High adrenaline adventure:) Nice to meet you, Cara, and I gotta say the title of your book hooked me immediately – I’m a Michigander and love Mackinac Island. Can’t wait to see how you use the setting! And the bike she’s sitting on is so cute – that’s the kind I love to ride around the island on. Nice job:)
The publisher did a GREAT job on the cover. Love the bike. And a bike ride or two around the island — that’s a perfect hour or two.
I don’t think I’ve been bored since I was a teenager…but I’m ready for adventure anytime! Great post and good to meet you, Cara! Would love to win your book.
Hehe you are definitely not a bored person, Pat!
Great to meet you, too, Pat.
I am not a huge adventurer, but I love it when God does something or gives me something that delights my soul. It could be a dove sweeping down from above, a field of flowers, a call from a friend, a hug from a non-communicative teen…God’s sweet like that!
I love the cover of Cara’s book cover!!! So cute!
Sherrinda, I’ll never forget walking across UNL’s campus on my way to take the LSAT and bein mesmerized by a squirrel at play. It was like God whispered to me not to worry about a test when He had His hand on everything!
Cara told me about your blog…so now i’m subscribed via email! Thank you for the opportunity to win! i twittered about this giveaway.
marianne dot wanham at gmail dot com
I loved how you asked God, Cara, … expecting him to answer.
So often we can talk God’s ear off and ask, ask, ask … but we don’t really expect an answer — or even want an answer. We just talk.
And I am also excited that you are embracing his answer so wholeheartedly.
Adventures for me? Often found behind the door marked “Never.”
I like adventure to a point – I like to play it safe and plan things out. But on occasion God has taken me down different paths I did not know I would be traveling and usually if He is in control of the wheel then I know it is going to be with purpose and someone involved, if not all involved, will typically receive a blessing, answer to pray, or vision to another path He wants I or others to travel! Cara’s book sounds really good! Thank you for an opportunity to sign up for the giveaway.
Lori, I know what you mean. I’m a planner, so I think God delights in putting me in situations where I have to let go of my plan.
I love new adventures! Being a Child of God is the greatest adventure there is! I can’t wait to get up in the mornings to see what He has in store for me!
adventure…i think all of our lives is an adventure…how we use our adventures in this life is up to us.
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
So true!
We recently moved to the “country” and have enjoyed taking different roads and exploring.
So anxious to read your book, Cara.
I love exploring new territory. When I’m visiting I’ll hop in my car and just drive. I want to see off the normal paths.
Beth, I can so relate! That door marked Never is one I’ve learned to say with caution. God seems to smile when I say never. I can almost hear Him whisper, really?
I could definitely use some adventure in my life. I’d love to spend a week on Lake Michigan near the Petoskey area.
Wow! So many great thoughts! I like adventure…, however, they usually turn out much different or terrifying!
Isn’t that how God takes us through life? HE pushes us to try new things whether it’s in our comfort or not. Sometimes it’s the best adventure of our lives or the greatest lesson in our lives. All in all we need to trust Him and make the best of it!
I’ve read many of comments by bloggers on Mackinac Island. It sounds really nice. I might have to suggest it as a vacation spot for my family!
This is a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!!
I love adventure and exploring new places that we have never been before and looking forward to traveling a lot more. I have never read about Mackinac Island and am looking forward to it.