Welcome Mat Wednesday: Jolene Philo

It’s our very first “Welcome Mat Wednesday” here at Tag(g)lines, and I’m excited to welcome author Jolene Philo.

We’re talking about gifts this month on Wednesdays, and Jolene is going to talk about how her past has allowed her to give encouragement to others. So check out my video intro, and then enjoy Jolene’s post..  

Helping Faith Take Root

Hi, Melissa. How fun to be with you twice in December. Guest posting at your blog this week and then for Writers’ Group next week. (Please, don’t ask about what I’m submitting to be critiqued. I have three more days to figure that out and will need all of them.)

The topic you suggested – how I use past experiences in my writing to give back to others and encourage them – seemed obvious. Our first child was born with medical special needs and because of that experience I’ve written two books, A Different Dream for My Child and Different Dream Parenting, both about raising kids with special needs.

But I wasn’t sure how to connect it to the Christmas season until my husband came home from work a week ago with good news and bad news. The good news was that a co-worker had just become a grandfather. The bad news was that the newborn boy had a heart anomaly and wasn’t doing well.

“Can I give the family copies of your books?” my husband asked.

Now, you would think my answer must have been an immediate yes. But it wasn’t. I didn’t say a thing because I was busy thinking, “I have given so many books away already. Will anybody ever buy them? Will my writing income ever be greater than the expenses?”

A shocking internal reaction, don’t you think?

Thankfully, dollar signs didn’t hold my thoughts hostage for long. I remembered our son’s first December. Allen was seven months old by then and had endured two Lifeflight helicopter rides, two major surgeries, three hospitalizations, and dozens of medical tests and treatments to
correct an esophageal anomaly. He’d recently transitioned from tube feeding to using a bottle to take in the breast milk I pumped for him four times a day. My husband and I were exhausted by lack of sleep, constant worry, and frequent trips to the hospital, a 240 mile round trip from the remote South Dakota town where we lived.

What kept us going?

The encouragement of friends and neighbors in the tiny town where we lived. While Allen was hospitalized for three weeks after his birth, they cleaned our house, cared for our garden, and sent notes. Once we brought Allen home, a pastor and his wife came every week to do a Bible study with us and answer our questions about why a loving God would allow a little baby to endure so much. A local fundraiser in November netted over $1500.

For a town with a population of 92 in a county of about 1500, it was big money!

As Christmas drew closer, the familiar story of a baby in a manger held new meaning to me. For the first time, as the parent of a precious child who had experienced great pain, I understood the magnitude of God’s gift to mankind. He sent his Son to a world stained by sin and evil, even though he knew the pain Jesus our Savior would bear. What joy to be loved by a God willing to sacrifice so much to save us from our sin.

My faith and gratitude grew deep roots that Christmas.

Roots that waited more than two decades to bear fruit. The fruit took the form of two books full of resources and encouragement and answers for parents facing the same exhaustion and doubts we once did. Two books for families like the man who works with my husband.

“Of course,” I said. “Take both books to them.”

The little baby had surgery a few days after that. Today we received word that he’s not getting better. The family is stricken, not up to reading anything. But one day they will start looking for encouragement. One day they will ask hard questions. Depending on the answers they find, their faith will either shrivel and die or take root and grow.

I’m praying that my books will help their roots to grow.

Thank you so much for sharing your story, Jolene! Readers, if you know parents raising a child with special needs, these books could encourage their faith, too. 

Jolene’s books are available at local books stores, Amazon, and the publisher’s website www.dhp.org. Parents of kids with special needs can also find resources, guest blogs, and product reviews at www.DifferentDream.com. And you can connect with Jolene at her website, www.jolenephilo.com, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

How about? Has there ever been a time in your life where a scary or challenging situation caused your faith to deepen and take root in a new way?

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    Comments 14

    1. What an inspiring story! Brought tears to my eyes. I love it when God’s people come together. Unity is a beautiful thing.

      Melissa, you’re vlog is so cute! I want a slice of pie, too! 🙂

      Love your new Wednesday Welcome Mat series. Good stuff.

    2. Oh, I’m telling you, Jolene’s peach pie is soooo good. 🙂 I agree, unity is beautiful…and Jolene’s way of sharing her story and impacting others is such a gift. Even though I’m not a parent myself, I’ve read through her first book and it’s impacted me so much as I think about Ollie and Amy and Chip’s role as parents. I think it’s helped me understand and pray more…

    3. Yay! I love Welcome Mat Wednesdays because it’s another chance to visit your blog and meet new people at the same time!
      Jolene’s story is so encouraging, so real. I appreciated her honesty and faith.
      My husband is a physician and I’m going to make sure that several copies of Jolene’s books are in his waiting room!

    4. Hey, Melissa!

      Thanks so much for inviting me to be part of Welcome Mat Wednesday. The video is so cool. I’m going to have to try it at DifferentDream.com.

      Beth, thank you for spreading word about my books to parents of kids with special needs. it’s so hard to reach them because they’re busy taking care of kids. And Jessica, I can’t send you a piece of pie, but here’s the link to the recipe at JolenePhilo.com:


    5. That’s awesome, Beth! Thanks for making Jolene’s book available!

      Thanks for being here, Jolene…and for the link to the recipe. Mmmm…I think our writing group probably has a standing appointment to meet at your house during a peach-season month each year… 🙂

    6. Wow – ya’ll made me teary this morning. I love how honest you were with your thoughts Jolene. I know my first reaction to things is not always the best either. What got me though is the thought of how our response can either help others grow in their faith or our non-response can leave them searching and hinder those roots, possible even leaving them to shrivel. In light of that, it sure makes our choice obvious, huh? Even if sometimes we have to do it through that **sigh**:)

    7. Sorry Melissa, that is a loaded thought provoking question. (I’d have to write a book to answer that one, how long would that take?!?) But… Jolene’s comment, “What kept me going? The encouragement of friends and neighbors in the tiny town where we live.” followed by examples of simple acts of love such as house cleaning, caring for the garden, notes of encouragement…wow!! What a challenge to be listening for that inner prompting of His Spirit to be used in a way that may seem so small or insignificant…yet, in fact, be so powerful that it actually keeps one of our brothers or sisters (or daughters) going!! Thank you for the weekly encouragent of your blogs and guests,Melissa. May God bless Welcome Mat Wedsnesdays.

    8. Susan, I love that – “do it through the sigh!” So true.

      Haha, sorry for the loaded question, Mom…but yeah, it does make listening and being willing so important. Makes me think about about how important it is to not hold so tightly to my schedule, my plans, etc…like, for instance, the other night you probably didn’t plan to be on the phone with me for like 90 minutes, but you encouraged me!! 🙂

      Thanks everyone for the great discussion. And thanks again, Jolene, for sharing!!

    9. SUPER idea, Melissa for a Welcome Mat Wednesday! (I’m a sucker for alliteration.) I’ve been reviewing Jolene Philo’s book at ParentChildPlay.com but to have Jolene also speak for herself on this blog of yours is terrific–sharing her thoughts and difficult memories and relating it to the Christmas season. Love it. Love this book. Love Welcome Mat Wednesday! Oh, and the video intro is great too, Melissa. I’m gushing, aren’t I?

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