Welcome Mat Wednesday: Tracey Bateman

Congrats to Dee Topliff! You won the drawing for a copy of Cara Putman’s new book following last week’s guest post.

I am sooo happy to welcome fabulous author Tracey Bateman today! I first got hooked on Tracey’s books when I read Catch a Rising Star. And as I mention in the video intro, I’m always so amazed when authors can write skillfully in multiple genres – which Tracey does. Tracey is continuing the theme of adventure with the story of her own writing adventure. And I just love it!

Now, if anybody’s sad they didn’t win last week’s drawing, I decided to do another giveaway this week. I don’t generally do giveaways two weeks in a row, but as soon as I read Tracey’s post for today, I wanted to celebrate…because it encouraged me so much. Sooo, leave a comment below to be entered into a drawing for Tracey’s soon-to-be-released novel, The Widow of Saunders Creek.*

Adventuring into Contentment
I’ve never been a very adventurous kind of girl. Fear plagued me from a very young age. Fear of the dark, fear of heights, fear of running out of toilet paper and shampoo.

Adventure is described as an exciting experience, bold undertaking, a journey, exploration.

In theory those things interested me, but in reality, I had no desire to go boldly where no one had gone before. I like security. The unknown rattles me, and forces me to either buck up and take a chance or hide away in the security and comfort of mediocrity. I was a very lazy and fearful perfectionist.

When I decided to become a writer, I never thought I’d be published. I undertook the task with a sense of defeat from the moment I began, because I’d never really finished anything before—except pregnancy, since I’m hardcore pro-life. But even then, at six months, I started praying for super baby to be born early, but healthy. No such luck. God thought I should stick it out to the end. And I did it three more times over the next eight years.

I began to write daily, bought the Christian Writers Market Guide and circled all the publishers I thought might be interested. I sought out writing groups online (before ACFW and MBT) and opened myself up to critique, despite one of my greatest fears–fear of criticism. Something inside of me whispered into my insecurity that possibly, oh, just maybe at nearing thirty years old, I could have a destiny. A God-breathed purpose.

And then something happened, little by little God began to honor those small steps, to show me that if He was author AND finisher, and I was made in His image, then I could also be author and finisher. I met actual, published authors and editors in ways I can only explain as Divine connections, and my writing began to improve. For three years I worked, sent proposals, received a couple of rejections and went back to the drawing board.

Make sure to leave a
comment to enter the
drawing for Tracey’s book!
When I received the call from an editor that they wanted to publish my first book, my faith began to grow, stamping out fear. I could do this. Live the adventure—a journey that just might make my unlikely dreams come true. And with each step of faith, God honored my efforts, taking me to the next level. More book contracts, finally a killer agent, then trade publication with a big publisher, editors seeking me out. For a few years, I lived in a sea of favor.

But along the way, something else happened. I dropped the ball, forgot to be grateful, missed deadlines and thought of myself more highly than I should. Sales tanked, the work dried up, and at the same time my husband lost his job. For months I reminded God of his promises—in a demanding “do this now” sort of way. Until one day, He spoke into my heart, reminding me of not only His favor, but His love and discipline. And my life changed forever as He took me on another adventure.

This is a journey I am traveling today, one of faith and daily trust. Daily bread, paid bills, enough cash for gas. Honestly, I don’t know where this phase ends, but I’m sure of the end result. A course I’ll finish, wherever that course takes me. And finally, the moment I stand before Jesus and lay my crown, accomplishments, and gifts at His feet.

I’m living the best adventure of my life—knowing Him and the hope of His calling.

Phil 4:12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

Have you ever considered faith, trust and contentment to be adventurous? How has God steered your adventure?

Tracey Bateman is a prolific and talented writer of more than 40 novels, who has over a million books in print, and whose writing has won numerous awards, including the prestigious Christy Award for Excellence in 2010.

She has been a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) since the early months of its inception and served the writing community as President and Vice President of that organization.

Tracey makes her home in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks with her husband and four children. 

*You’ve got till next Tuesday, April 17, at 5 p.m. to enter the giveaway. I will use Random.org to “draw” the winner that evening.

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    Comments 32

    1. I’ve never considered them “adventurous,” but I guess I should since they’re things I struggle with daily. Oh, how nice it would be to have those areas of my life all wrapped up, in a pretty little package, so I could move on to “another” adventure!

      1. I know what you mean, Melissa. If faith and trust and contentment were all wrapped up, like you say, wouldn’t the rest of life be a breeze? But then, I guess faith wouldn’t be as much of an adventure… 🙂

    2. Tracey,
      This is one of the best posts I’ve ever read and I’m a huge fan of yours! 🙂 I LOVED, LOVED Thirsty. A woman who can pull off a vampire book in the Christian industry and make a beautiful parallel like you did with alcoholism, is a winner! This whole writing thing has been one step of faith after another and as God blesses each step I take to glorify Him, my trust increases.

      Tagg, thanks for having her on today! Too cool!

    3. Yes – an adventurous ride I sometimes want off of…but then where would I go?
      Great wisdom in your testimony, Tracey. Thanks so much for sharing. I think sometimes we look at someone’s bio and believe their life is all neat, tidy and wrapped with a bow. And while your successes definitely encourage, so do your struggles–which at times can be much harder to share, so thanks:)

    4. Guys, your comments are bringing on the tears. Thank you for “getting” me!
      Jessica, you rock. I so appeciate kind words about Thirsty! It was a lifechanging book for me to write.
      Thank you for allowing me to share a piece of my life today, Melissa. What a great blog!

      1. Thank YOU for being here today, Tracey. I’ve loved your books, but now it’s so fun to get to hear from you as, well, you, too. 🙂 Excited for your upcoming release!! It sounds amazing.

    5. I do fine faith, trust and contentment to be quite the ongoing adventure–usually after I’ve tried possible solutions and run out–then He steps in. My best times? When I’ve been in distant nations or situations & could do nothing to meet my own needs & then he steps in magnificently–shazzam–in unforgettable ways–and I am changed. (And thanks for book I won in last give-away, nice!)

    6. I first discovered Tracey when she released her debut LIS, I still remember the excitement and enthusiasm in her bio or letter to reader even though (if I recall correctly) it wasn’t her first published book. Not sure why I remember yours, in particular, Tracey, when I’ve read dozens and dozens…obviously made an impression. As did today’s post. Thanks for your transparency.

    7. Fabulous post, Tracey. I can relate to so much of what you said, from being a fearful child, a quitter before I ever started writing, and the current God-will-provide-but-not-a-moment-before-we-need-it adventure we’re on. Thanks for your honesty and transparency. And Godspeed as you venture on…

    8. I rarely read entire posts, but I did enjoy this one…as a new writer, sometimes I think I will never finish and it won’t be good enough anyway, so why bother? This post gave me encouragement, to remember that anything is possible through Him, since I am made in His image. I’ll keep trekking on thanks to your words today. I’ll be working on the daily trust journey…thank you!

      1. Awesome comment, Pat. You know, on the days when it does seem boring, I think it’s me who’s making it boring. There is always adventure if I’m wiling to open my eyes to it, even in the everyday routines of life.

    9. I “clicked” with this post from the beginning — because fear and I were constant companions for a lot of years. That whole “boldly go” theme — yeah, it was good for Star Trek, but not for me.
      And then I loved reading about Tracy’s dream coming true … but hearing about the dream fading was heartbreaking.
      When Tracy shared the beauty that God has brought out of all of this — that made this one of the most meaningful posts I’ve read in a long, long time.

    10. As someone who is succesful in her day job, starting out in the writing world is scary. Especially to those who know me. ‘m the chick who likes everything orderly and organized. Alena, creative? writing? She’s soooo not that type. Yeah, I’ve heard it. But you know what? God is amazing. He’s the author and finisher of our faith and He moves mountains on our behalf, even when we misbehave or miss the mark. Keep the Faith Tracy….God is absolutely amazing and He believes in You!

      Thanks Melissa for this opportunity.


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